Fiverr GIG Ideas: 10 GIGs With High Demand (2019)

As we saw in our Ultimate Guide to Fiverr, getting hired in Fiverr can be a challenge on its own. There’re thousands of Freelancers competing for the same type of Jobs, so it’s always a good idea to know which are the GIGs with more demand to make sure that you target a “sweet spot”. In this article, we will go through 10 Fiverr GIG Ideas that can help you to increase your overall reveneu.

Fiverr GIG Ideas

1. WordPress

WordPress is always a safe choice. Regardless of the numerous Freelancers already offering this service on Fiverr, the number of Buyers is still far more significant. This creates a pretty “sweet” opportunity for any person with WordPress skills.
As advice, make sure that you offer something unique in your GIG’s description, like for example 30 days of support, documentation, free licenses… This way, Buyers are most likely to choose you over the competition.
You can see some examples here

2. Logo Design

Logo Design comes in as a close second. The reason is that this type of service fits pretty well within the platform’s restrictions: Limited scope and well-specified requirements.
Having said that, if you want to offer this service, make sure to focus on a certain niche: geometric logos, cryptocurrency logos etc… so you can distinguish yourself from the competition.

3. Photoshop Editing

This is one of the most popular Fiverr GIG ideas. It’s highly related to the previous one in the sense that it also matches well with the platform’s specs: Restricted scope and well-specified requirements. However, unlike “Logo Design”, it tends to have a slightly higher scope, so it’s important to clarify all the details with the client before even starting to work on the task.

4. Whiteboard Explainers

Whiteboard Explainers have dramatically increased in popularity during the last years.Nowadays many successful websites use 2D/3D/Whiteboard videos to explain a certain concept or idea. For this reason, many Fiverr Sellers are currently starting to offer such GIGs on the market.
If you decide to offer this service, make sure always to deliver a professional and “well-done” video, as the current quality-level in Fiverr for such GIGs is quite high.
Some whiteboard explainers GIGs that you can use as model.

5. Voice Over

Now it’s the turn of “Voice Over”. Unlike the previous Fiverr GIG ideas, “Voice Over” requires natural talent. Meaning that, unfortunately, it cannot be learned if you don’t have some natural ability.
If by any chance you meet the requirements (congrats!), you can enter a very profitable and well-paid area of business in Fiverr with a growing number of customers.
As final advice, invest some money in the proper tools as it will make a world of difference and you will be able to charge more for your services (e.g., Microphone, soundproof walls)

6. SEO

Asking a SEO Professional to help you out to increase the SERP rank of your website it’s becoming increasingly popular. Many people are realizing that having a good position in Google Search is critical for a successful business. For this reason, the demand has increased dramatically.
If you have experience in this area, Fiverr can offer you an excellent opportunity to make a side income every month without the need of spending so much time looking for clients. It can be the perfect complement for your daily job.

7. Illustration

f you consider yourself an Adobe Illustrator Guru, this is one of the best Fiverr GIG ideas for you.
Illustration has been a very demanded skill in Fiverr in the last years. Many Buyers look for freelancers to create illustrations for their books, comics or even video games. The possibilities are endless.
For this reason, most Fiverr freelancers that offer these services end up succeeding in the long run. The only “catch” is that you must have an existing portfolio so Buyers can make sure, before they buy the GIG, that your style fits their particular needs.

8. Social Media Marketing

Nowadays almost every person has Facebook, Twitter or Instagram accounts. For a business, this means that in order to get more customers they need to target those channels. This is where Social Media Marketing comes in handy.
As of today, there’re thousands of Freelancer in Fiverr that can help Buyers marketing their products in social media networks. If you also have experience in these platforms, it might be a good option to offer your expertise for a fair price.

9. QA

Most businesses and startups require a Quality Assurance team to make sure that the functionality of their products works. The problem is that this service usually costs quite a bit of money if we are talking about an “on-site” team in either Europe or USA. This is why many businesses are currently working with QA Freelancers from Fiverr instead.
If you live in a country with affordable prices, you might have a clear advantage here, as you will be able to offer better prices in your GIG and get the contract.

10. Chatbots

This is one of the least known Fiverr GIG ideas. Chatbots were a revolution in 2018. Their usage grew a 200% and many Fortune 500 companies published several “success cases” where they were the main responsible.
The good news is that, if you have basic knowledge of programming, it’s pretty easy to implement your own Chatbots using platforms like Chatfuel and
Not only that, with that knowledge you can also build Chatbots for clients that can give intelligent answers depending on the context and situation!

Hope you find this article useful. Please share with us any thoughts in the comments section! 🙂
Have a nice day!


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